Be part of something truly emancipating at a time of great danger and revolutionary possibility

*May 21 Flash* 

We succeeded and overfulfilled the $10Kgoal for the Spring Fund Drive.

The Drive brought in $10,942. Much appreciation to the 180+ friends who gave.  One generous donor, Scott, promised to match all donations during the last week of the drive.  We raised $2320 during that week, so when  Scott’s match comes in, the Fund Drive will reach $13,260!

Watch the clip below from Scott, who was moved by seeing the video of Bob Avakian titled "What If " which was played at Revolution Books after the May Day march. 

Thanks again, and you can still donate here.

Watch the "What If..." video HERE

Revolution Books profoundly matters at this crucial moment in history. We call on you to contribute. Russia escalates its war against Ukraine, the U.S. steps up its rivalry with Russia and whips up mindless pro-USA chauvinism... and the danger of world war looms. In the U.S., women's right to abortion is under a mounting assault that threatens to turn women into incubators. This fascist juggernaut includes racist, voter-suppression laws aimed at disenfranchising greater numbers of Black and Latino/a people.   

But people are being misled and manipulated by those in power and by the media mouthpieces of the system. And too many fall back on fatalistic, “woke” and other ways of thinking that lead them to turn away from reality—reinforcing the hold of this system. 

People need the truth because to change the world radically, you need to understand the world deeply. Revolution Books is a place of truth-telling. Especially as we take up and popularize the newest writings of the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, like Forces of Brutal Oppression, Hypocritical Apologies for Genocidal Murderers -- WHAT SHOULD BE CANCELED...people can learn about what is happening in the world, why it is happening, and how millions are being conditioned to go along with this system's monstrous agenda and to betray the interests of humanity… at a time when a liberating revolution could be wrenched out of this moment.

Support the Revolution Books March-April $10,000 fund drive. Be part of opening up the deep, scientific, and urgent engagement to confront the world as it really is and as it really could be. We involve people in applying the Points of Attention for the Revolution, which includes: “We search for and fight for the truth no matter how unpopular, even as we listen to and learn from the observations, insights and criticisms of others.” It happens through the books...through robust dialogue and debate...through the play of the imagination. A new work of meticulous scholarship like Forget the Alamo demolishes a foundational myth of American “greatness.” Novels like Toni Morrison's Beloved and Robert Jones Jr.'s The Prophets get us thinking and feeling the horrors of slavery and American history on an unsettling, intimate level. Richard Powers' fictional The Overstory transports us to trees that commune with each other – waking us up to the beautiful complexity of life lost through human destruction.

With the future of humanity and the planet on the line, Revolution Books is working to change people's thinking and to connect you and others to the revolution to change everything! DONATE NOW. 

Where else but Revolution Books...

**It was at Revolution Books that Sunsara Taylor in February gave her talk Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement—We REFUSE to Let the Supreme Court Decimate Abortion Rights to launch the RiseUp4AbortionRights campaign to mobilize people to take to the streets, and grow massively in numbers, to prevent this horror from taking effect. Give to the Revolution Books $10K Fund Drive for more programming about the urgent battle to save abortion and why only revolution can bring about the full emancipation of women. And be part of solving the problem of bringing bigger audiences to these programs.

**It was at Revolution Books that Andy Zee and Raymond Lotta spoke on Russia's unjust invasion of Ukraine...about what is driving this and why the U.S. is not a force for good. As Andy put it:“If we aspire to get to a world, to a society beyond all the divisions among peoples, a world without exploitation and oppression, we are never going to get there by uniting with or scrambling to get under the wing of the ruling class of U.S. imperialism—one of the most vengeful and vicious in U.S. history.” Give to the Revolution Books $10K Fund Drive so that we can have more programming about the war in Ukraine, U.S-Russian rivalry, and our internationalist responsibilities. And be part of solving the problem of how to bring out bigger audiences.

**The fascist politicians and mobs are on a tear to ban books—from critical race theory to children's lit humanizing non-gender-conforming youth and celebrating diversity. Give to the Revolution Books $10K Fund Drive so that we can increase our stock of “banned” books, promote the hell out of “banned” books and get people reading these books that horrify Ted Cruz and his fascist mobs!

**This is a time when something terrible or something truly emancipating is possible. At Revolution Books you discover the revolution guided by the new communism developed by Bob Avakian. The revolution to overthrow this capitalist-imperialist system and create a liberatory socialist society going forward to create a world without exploitation...where racism, patriarchy, and all forms of social oppression are no more... where people are no longer enslaved by the ideas and values that go along with and reinforce all of this.

Together, With Your Donation and Involvement, Let's Raise $10,000 by April 25

Imagine: Tens of thousands of people who are outraged by the world as it is, who yearn for a whole different and better way for humanity, learning about Revolution Books and being provoked and inspired to come in to find the books, to attend the unique vibrant events, to connect with the movement for real revolution. Thousands of dollars are needed now to make sure Revolution Books stays open and to amplify its impact.

Let's make it real! 
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$10,000 BY APRIL 25

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